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About me

Hello everyone, and welcome to my personal blog. My name is Alessio Ippolito, and I am a digital entrepreneur of Italian origin. I started taking my very first steps in the digital world in 2008.

Today, I am the founder of my company, ALESSIO IPPOLITO S.R.L. Editore, which owns the well-known online publications and

After several years working as a freelancer, in 2012, I founded my first sole proprietorship, Ditta Individuale di Alessio Ippolito, which two years later became ALESSIO IPPOLITO SAS. In 2017, I founded my current company, Alessio Ippolito S.R.L. Editore, a company that owns a network of over 70 websites, including the well-known online publications® and®.

I am the Director of both®, the leading financial newspaper on online trading in Italy, and®, the first online journal in Italy dedicated exclusively to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I am also the publisher of the niche and historic website on online trading in Italy called ““.

The Web Journey of Alessio Ippolito: From Origins to Success

I took my first steps into the world of the web back in 2008, the year I launched my first true SEO editorial project (Search Engine Optimization) – focused on gossip and the world of television – which quickly achieved moderate online success. I always remember it with great affection because that project was the gateway to a series of personal successes that, in 2012, led me to establish a stable presence in the affiliate sector related to online trading in Italy and financial market news, embarking on a stable and lasting journey in financial education. Today, I manage one of the leading networks in Italy in the sectors of online trading, stock markets, savings, and financial investments.

But this story has an interesting preamble that I’d like to share with you: I first delved into the field of information related to investments back in 2007 when I began teaching myself how to create small websites to earn money through online advertising, specifically in the forex sector.

Always in search of educational materials to improve my skills, particularly in SEO, in 2009, I registered on Paolo Moro’s educational forum,, which was a key reference point at the time for networking among web marketers and aspiring ones. Looking back at that account today is a great emotion, as it encapsulates all my professional progress with nearly 2,000 active comments, which I regularly used until 2017, when the rise of thematic Facebook groups led me to step away from the forum.

That same year, with a budget of only 200 euros, I published my first test blog in the field of stock markets and trading, earning my very first profits (a few euros per day) from ADV marketing through the well-known Pay per Click program “Google Adsense.” However, even then, the sector was extremely competitive, and it required a significant budget to create a site as I had envisioned, but my limited budget didn’t allow me to realize it at that time.

…But my departure from the trading, stock markets, and financial markets was not a goodbye, just a “see you later,” until three years later, in 2012, when I launched my very first website focused on the stock market and financial markets… truly my greatest passion!

As happens in all the best stories with a happy ending, it was a setback that, a few years later, triggered the beginning of my online success. With determination, a larger investment budget, and greater skills, I returned to the online trading sector in 2012, when in March, I launched my very first website on investments… a website entirely dedicated to forex and online trading… wow, I couldn’t believe it, and I was very proud of myself for making it happen.

Today, the company I manage, which bears my name (no, I’m not a megalomaniac; I chose this brand because I wanted something simple and immediately associated with me), not only owns one of the most important networks of SEO websites in the online trading, cryptocurrency, and stock investment sectors but also boasts within its network other important and highly competitive topics such as:

  • Online Personal Trainer;
  • Personal trainers in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Naples, Verona, etc.;
  • Technology;
  • Savings;
  • Bank accounts and prepaid cards;
  • Current and deposit accounts;
  • Beauty, cosmetics, and personal care;
  • Electric mobility;
  • Fitness.

Today, Alessio Ippolito S.R.L. owns over 70 informational websites focused on the aforementioned topics, with the percentage of dominance in the “financial investments” theme exceeding 70%.

Over the years, my company has expanded its reach into the most delicate and specific sectors of web marketing, including digital PR services, brand reputation improvement, competitor analysis, local business, sentiment analysis, and the planning, study, and implementation of specific 360° digital marketing strategies to launch an online editorial project.

My Mindset

Always on the lookout for innovation, particularly from the world of the web and new technologies, I’m constantly interested in exploring investment opportunities in startups and entrepreneurial ideas. To me, building a business means putting your idea on paper, understanding its feasibility, securing the right budget, assembling a development team, and getting to work. But without heart, in addition to the mind, every venture becomes futile.

My LinkedIn Posts

On my personal LinkedIn profile, you can find posts and in-depth analyses on the key sectors of my interest—online trading, Bitcoin, and crypto—as well as insights and reflections on publishing and journalism.

It’s natural to expect that many of my LinkedIn posts will be closely related to our flagship publications: and

My Membership in the Order of Journalists of Lazio

I’ve been a registered journalist with the Order of Journalists of Lazio since February 22, 2022 (Special ListTechnical Specialized Journalists). The registration in the special list of journalists is intended for professionals who apply on behalf of an online newspaper publisher to be registered as a Journalistic Publication with a court (such requests are subject to review and may be rejected).

Journalist Registration: Alessio Ippolito – Order of Journalists of Lazio [Rome Office]

The credibility gained by the publication in 2021 prompted the publisher to first register the trademark and, shortly thereafter, to submit an application to the Court of Milan for its registration as a journalistic publication. Finally, an application was submitted to register the company with the R.O.C., the Register of Communication Operators.